1. Stop Smoking - Ugh, yes I smoke, a closet smoker literally. I sneak in my bathroom two to three times a day and have a cigarette. I try to hide it from my children, I'm ashamed, I don't want them to think it's OK. Also, I feel like it keeps my metabolism up, stupid I know.
* Last day I smoked 11/17/13
2. Exercise Regularly- I need to exercise 3 to 4 times a week, this not only helps me control my weight but it nourishes me both mentally and physically. I need to move in order to feel strong and aware of my body. Also, it clears my head.
3. Eat Healthy - To me this means listening to my body. What food is helping lose weight? What food makes me feel energized? What food upsets my stomach or makes how much food makes me feel uncomfortable? This just means constant awareness of what I eat and how I feel after eating it.
4. Financial Freedom - I have been working on this quite a bit lately. I have been attending a Financial Peace University class and as a result I realized I can not afford my house anymore now that I am a single parent. So I put my house on the market about 4 weeks ago and it sold in about 2 weeks. It sold quickly and I got a great cash offer, I guess it was meant to be. I kind of feel like everything is working out the way it was meant to be. The kids and I are kind of sad. I thought I would spend Christmas' there with my grandchildren but it it too much for me to physically or financially take care of. Also, I can't keep working 50 hours a week and still be broke because it just isn't enough income.
This is a lot to handle all at once but I feel like when things are going right in one area of your life you can gain momentum for other areas.