October 30, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox

I'm miserable, ugh.  I weighed myself this morning and I gained 5 pounds this weekend as a result of eating birthday cake, cookies, pizza, wings and Gelato.  However, I did sort of have this realization that alcohol really send me into complete binge mode.  Friday night while playing cards with the girls, I drank too much wine and a pumpkin martini, yum, which by the way do not mix well.  I was miserable the next day.  Hung-over, starving and craving all kinds of sugar and greasy fats, which sent me into a non-productive, high calorie weekend.  Ever since I drank way too much alcohol I have been craving sugar like crazy.  The Halloween candy around the house keeps calling me by name where as last week I was doing pretty well, even forgetting we had candy in the house.   I know I am a sugar addict and that my body is used to running on sugar and carbohydrates for so long that fighting it is such a battle.  It's so hard.

I decided to give this 21 Day Sugar Detox a real solid try.  I am only going to eat things on the Good Foods list for 21 days, which I suppose means a lot of brown rice, chicken and salads.  Also, no alcohol and no candy on Halloween, now that's scary.  I may have to skip all social plans. 

I figured if I start today my 21 days will be up before Thanksgiving.  I really just want to learn to eat sugar and carbs in moderation and break the cravings, which I really believe is what thin people do.  I know I am going to be miserable, especially the first week.  I'm already miserable, so far today and it's only been about 4 hours.   I ate this piece of baked egg for breakfast.  One meal done and only 62 to go, this makes it sound more doable. 

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