Do you ever have those moments when someone ask you to do something and your first thought is, yeah that sounds great, but after thinking about it you begin to think of all the reasons why you can't participate? For me I want to go out and be social but I am afraid. I guess I am ultimately afraid of looking like a fool and it sucks to always feel this way and worry about such things.
So there is this small group of people who work out together after work a few days a week and they asked me to join them and guess what, I really want to. I think it will be helpful and inspiring but I'm scared. I'm slow and I am afraid of looking like the fat and out of shape person I am. I will look like those poor people on the Biggest Loser, ready to pass out, vomit and physically exhausted. Plus did I mention the group is run by a cute guy? Awkward!
I walked yesterday to see what my speed is and how far I good go, this is the result.
I can't stop thinking about this quote because I know I am always waiting for things to be my idea of perfect in order for me to participate in anything. I'm tired or waiting.