March 29, 2013

Weigh in Friday

So yesterday.....let's talk about it.  I ate way too much, I believe there was a chocolate- chocolate chip muffin and a chocolate bar both involved in the debauchery that took place yesterday.   I weighed myself in the morning after TWO whole days of eating within my calories and I hadn't lost any weight.  I was so mad, I ate.  It was not one of my better moments.

However, something great happened.  I decided to go to the gym and take an aerobics class, beginners aerobic jazz.  It was so much fun, everyone in the class was nice and supportive but most importantly I could do it.  I was worried I would not be able to keep up or even finish, I was able to do both, yeah me!  I forgot how much I enjoy working out.   I forgot how good your body and mind feel after.  I think I am the kind of girl who likes to exercise in a class, which is strange because I am shy and not very social.  For my weight, My Fitness Pal says if I do 60 minute of low impact aerobics I burn 750 calories, doesn't that seem high?

I decided to weigh in every Friday and try really, really hard not to go near the scale on any other day.  I figure Fridays are good in case I indulge in a little wine over the weekend.  I am trying to be realistic and make realistic lifestyle changes which means I can not give up a couple of glasses of wine on the weekends. 

March 29, 2013                     331.0 lbs      Ugh, my highest weigh since I was pregnant.

Why is posting your real, actual weight such an frightening act?  I hope nobody I know see this.
I guess like Oprah says, "I need to live in my truth". 

Famous Oprah Winfrey Quotes

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