Tomorrow I will be 3 weeks out, I glad it's going by kind of fast.
Eating is still very difficult, it's getting better but it's still hard. The hard part is you don't even feel hungry but then your stomach begins to hurt and feel very empty so you know you need to eat. Then you try to eat and after a few bites your full and can't even think about food. I know I am not getting anywhere near the protein, water or calories I need but I think this is pretty normal at three weeks out.
8:00 am I either have a protein shake, which taste terrible or yogurt with protein powder in it, also
gross. Also, I try to remember to take a vitamin at this time.
10:00-10:30 am I start feeling sick, like I need to eat something. So at this point I have either a
cheese stick, a scrambled egg or some gluten free pretzels. However, it's very difficult to
a whole cheese stick or a whole egg.
12:30 pm Rest of the cheese stick, maybe some pretzels or sugar free pudding or Jello. Sometimes
for lunch I will have soup and that usually sits pretty well. also, a Vitamin.
2:30 pm Usually a sugar free fudgsicle or sugar free Popsicle.
6:00 pm For dinner I have been mostly having soup, I tried pork tenderloin last night and it was fine.
I only had like 4 bites and chewed it really well. I've also had Caprese salad s few time and
that always sit well in my new tummy. I can have about a cup of soup if it's a clear soup.
If I eat food it's about 4-6 bites of food chewed very, very well. After dinner I try to
remember to take another vitamin.
I'm not getting enough protein yet or enough calories but I will get there. after surgery I could barely get 300 calories a day. Now I'm up to about 500 calories a day.
I weighed 302.1 this morning which is kind of disappointing. They say it's common to hit a stall which I hope I have gone through and I am moving past.
Also, I was able to walk about two miles yesterday very slowly, it took me about 50 minutes but it felt good to exercise.