Oh, I sound so gangster for a middle aged Mom of three. I read this and it just sounded so true. It's like I woke up one day and knew surgery was the best option for me. I'm scared, of course I'm scared of surgery, but now I'm scared I wont get approved or for some reason I wont be able to have surgery. I had my thyroid removed so I'm not sure if that is an issue or not?
When people say you become obsessed, it's so true. You join support groups on Facebook and Instagram. You get consumed in all the gastric sleeve YouTube videos. I have begun to see signs everywhere that tell me I am doing the right thing and I keep finding them. I have weirdly all of a sudden run into people who are having the gastric sleeve or have already had it. I ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen in 15 years and she had bariatric surgery, weird right? My Dad had a minor procedure done in the out patient surgery area and I ran to a whole group having surgery that day by the same surgeon I am going to see. I wonder if it's random or the universe pointing me in the right direction for me?
Today is the first time I actually go to the Bariatric Center for some sort of class, I am so excited but I have no idea what to expect or how long all of this is going to take but step one here I come.
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