So I decided to try the Whole30 approach to food for the next 30 days. I was reading this book and I realized I needed to do something kind of drastic from my normal. My normal is to start each day with a glass of water, because of medication, and then move on to 2-3 Diet cokes. Sometimes I eat breakfast, a bagel with peanut butter or a Kit Kat, sometimes I don't. What I have come to realize is I then spend a lot of my day fighting my cravings for more sugar and more carbs because of the way I start my day.
I think following the Whole30 food plan is going to be very difficult for me but so worth it. I need to get to know my body again. I need to know how food affects my body and clean out my system of the crap I eat and drink.
I am not a good planner and I am not an organized person so this will be a huge challenge for me but again it causes me to think about the food I put into my mouth and I need to do that.
You can not weigh yourself for the whole 30 days which is going to be another challenge to this food plan.
So my beginning weight is 314.2, and above is a few before pictures. I don't expect any big changes hopefully I will lose some weight and my clothes will be a little less tight. My ultimate goal is to make lasting changes to my eating habits.
Goodbye Cabernet Sauvignon and Diet Coke, I will miss you.
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