January 4, 2012

Week 1: Plan of Attack

I need a plan, not just some vague plan that I need to lose a lot of weight this year but a plan that will be like a step by step guide to get me where I so desperately want to be.  I think any good weight loss plan will be fluid and grow and change as I do, so I am going to come up with some goals to focus on for this week. 

My Goals for my first week are
  • Keep track of everything I eat in Sparklepeople and stay between 1200-1400 calories.
  • Give up Coke, this one is really hard for me but I know it must be done.
  • Exercise 3 times this week for at least 20 minutes. 
  • Blog everyday.
I think drinking plenty of water is very important too but I do this already so that will be easy for me.  I know working out 20 minutes, 3 times a week isn't much but I think its an attainable goal for me this week. 

January 3, 2012


1679 calories
256 carbs
52 fat
64 protein

I went over my calorie intake goal, I was doing fine until I had a chocolate chip cookie at Panera's which I didn't realize was 410 calories and in the morning I had a coke which was 140 calories. 

This Song

Florence and the Machine - Shake It Out (Acoustic) from Pick Up The Headphones on Vimeo.

This song makes me happy and makes me feel invincible.

What My Year Will Look Like

"Respect for food is a respect for life, for who we are and what we do."
-Thomas Keller

When I think about who I want to be and what I want my relationship with food to be I always come back to the same vision, I want to eat healthy, real, whole food.  I don't want to eat fast food nor do I want to feed it to my children, which I don't do very often.  I don't want to eat preservatives or junk food.  I want to be this person who reaches for fresh fruit and salads when they are hungry.  A person who eats their share of fruits and vegetables daily and loves it.  I think if I can get the processed sugars out of my system it will be easier for me to give the foods that are making me unhealthy.   
I love to cook and I know I can come up with tasty, healthy foods that will make my goals more attainable.  I want to buy local and organic food as much as possible this year.  I know it can be costly but I think if I can be creative it will be easier to do it as cost effective as possible.  
I also see myself as a person who enjoys exercise, strong and lean, hopefully even a runner someday.
Most importantly by the end of this year I see myself as a person who feels good about herself, strong and confident.