April 22, 2014


Motivation is the driving force that causes the flux from desire to will in life.

I saw this definition of motivation and I kept reading it over and over again wondering what is that thing, driving force, that makes us go from from the desire to succeed to the will to succeed? 

I think I have a desire to lose weight for so many reasons, to look good, to feel good, to fit into cute clothes (and tall Frye boots), to be healthy and to have something to blog about.  However, I keep wondering how do I turn these desires into will?  What is it for me that will give me the will to be successful instead of just the desire? 

Having the will to succeed to me means seeing the big picture, the long term goal and not giving in to instant gratification.  Losing weight and feeling better is such a slow process that it is far easier to give into that chocolate or the nap on the coach as apposed to the workout. 

Losing weight takes so effort, it's hard.  It's hard to prepare the right foods.  It's hard to find time to exercise.  It's hard to focus on yourself and your own needs. 

I have 200 days until I am supposed to going to compete in a half marathon.  I don't know how I am going to do it.  I am scared as hell to go out there and do it and I am scared as hell I am going to give up on this goal. 

I need to find my will, my thing that will push me from desire to will.  I'm hoping that thing is running.  I'm hoping my desire to be a runner, very slow but a runner, is that thing that will give me the will to keep going.   I just need to have the patience and accept that sometimes delayed gratification is worth the wait.  Once I get to the point where I am physically capable of running I hope my will will become stronger and stronger. 


April 18, 2014

Good Friday, Good Friday!

It's been a great day.  It's finally beginning to feel like Spring here and with it comes these feelings of hope and renewal.  Life has been so crazy lately and I am finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm excited and hopeful I will begin to have more time to focus on getting healthy, working on myself, physically and mentally, and writing all about here.

My current weight is 311.7 and my exercise has been erratic.

I was feeling less than motivated lately and felt like I needed something to look forward too, something to propel me in the direction I want to go toward.  So I signed up for the Walt Disney World Wine and Dine Half Marathon.  

I honestly can't believe I signed up of a half marathon.  I have to be able to run 13.1 miles at a less than 16 minute per mile pace.   Right now I can walk about 4 miles at the most and average a 17 to 18 minute pace per mile.   I've always wanted to run a Disney run but I've always been to scared to commit.  However, I did it, I signed up, spent too much money on it and now I have to start training. Wish me luck I about 200 days to train.

Here's to spring, here's to new beginning and here's to creating the girl I've always wanted to be.